Someone recently emailed me these photographs of an ice storm in Norway. I think myself lucky with the little ice storm we received this winter.

Someone recently emailed me these photographs of an ice storm in Norway. I think myself lucky with the little ice storm we received this winter.
What amazing images!
Can you imagine living in a place so cold....whoah!I like sunshine. oh yes I do...but then I'm an African so that stands to reason!
Yes, I have seen these too. Insanity. I am shivering just looking at these. Thank goodness I have a coffee to warm me. I just can't fathom that much ice!
Wow!...deadly to drive or walk in as well as the damage it must have caused to power lines, trees etc etc but oh how beautiful!
and people were complaining last week here about our "little" ice storm, which paralyzed the city for a few days.
whoever took those photos really captured the essence and beauty of that ice storm.
So pretty, but so devastating.
Reminds me of the infamous Montreal ice storm of 1998, when some people on the south shore were out of electricity for a month.
WOW! What a horrible place to be... that tree pic is fabulous though. Can't even imagine being there.
After some balmy days this past week in the 65 Farenheit degree region, waking up to the frost again this a.m. was disappointing. I purposefully live in a snowfree zone... when the temps go down below freezing I wimp out.
That is incredible! Great photos. But suddenly I need to move a little closer to the fireplace.
Hi Wendz!... Yes, I like sunmshine as well though I could put up with this beauty for a short while!
Ho LGS!... Woweeee is correct!! :-)
Hi Becky!... Coffee and a HOT flireplace!
Hi Janice!... You wouldn't have to drive over there... You wouldn't even be able to get into your car!! :-)
Hi HeiressChild!...Essence and beauty is so correct!
Hi abbagirl!... pretty and devastating... quite the opposites and yet so fitting for those photos!
Hi Jazz!... The Montreal storm... I remember that!
Hi tsduff!... I DON'T want to hear about your great weather! (YES I DO!!!!!) :-)
Hi em... A fireplace is my solution to any winter weather! :-)
I saw those before. Hard to imagine, huh?
A few weeks ago, my truck looked like that car. Opening the door and turning on the defroster was a heck of a challenge.
Oh wow Dave.. I see what you mean!
I went looking and found this post. Unbelievable!!
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