Today I submit my 100th post!I started this blog back on October 17th, 2006. This is the first time I have blogged and, at first, I was a little apprehensive about blogging. Initially it went slow but, as I continued to plug away at presenting my thoughts that have been in my head for many a year, I became more and more comfortable with sharing them. In celebration of my 100th “blogday,” I have decided to post a list of 100 things about me. Hopefully, you will gain a better understanding about “this guy who writes all these things that are in his head!” Thanks for all the comments you have shared with me… I appreciate each and every one of them as I read them in their entirety on a daily basis. Thank you!
One Hundred Things About Me!
Pizza gives me indigestion
My favorite video game series is Donkey Kong
3D video games make me feel sick
I act like someone twenty years younger
I always go to bed very late
I am 5’7”
I am a teacher
I am over 45 years old
I can't sketch to save my life
I collect vintage toys
I dance when I am home alone
I dislike climbing ladders
I don’t look my age
I drink very little alcohol
I enjoy camping
I enjoy playing practical jokes
I enjoy playing trivia board games
I enjoy reading about Celtic history
I enjoy researching family history
I enjoy science fiction movies
I hate cats
I hate coconut
I hate eating sweet potatoes
I hate washing dishes
I have a computer repair business
I have a friend I can trust with my deepest secrets
I have a large laserdisc collection
I have few friends but the ones I have are close to me
I have had 4 dogs in my life
I have lived in three different countries
I have never broken a bone in my body
I have one bad knee
I have one sister
I have two beautiful children
I have watched every Star Trek Original Series episode
I have watched every Star Trek Voyager episode
I have watched every Start Trek The Next Generation episode
I have worked with youth for 25 years
I have yet to see even one Star Trek Animated Series episode
I live in Canada
I love eating chicken curry
I love eating Marmite
I love flying
I love sleeping
I love photography
I love reading fiction after not reading it for over twenty years
I love to blog
I love to run
I love watching fireworks
I mountain bike
I once had an accident with a transport truck while I was driving my van
I once taught calculus to a deaf-blind teenager
I rarely speak while driving
I spent an entire summer working in a walk in freezer full of fur coats
I swim like a rock
I used to buy and sell sports cards
I used to play basketball
I used to play ice hockey
I was born in England
I weigh 149lbs
I would only wear jeans if given the chance
I would sit by a campfire every night if I could
My favorite colour is black (I know…black is not really a colour!)
My favorite video game is Super Mario World
I was 7 years old when I first took a puff off a cigarrette.
I have only had a cigarette to my lips once in my life.
I trust no one … well almost no one.
I love hot tubs
I have travelled more in the United States than I have in my country of Canada
I love rollercoaster rides
I hate spinning rides
In grade two I used to skip off school and go ride the city busses
I enjoy driving
I once dropped 25 bags of cement off the back of a truck onto a busy street. Most of them exploded.
I once dropped a ping pong table off the back of a truck. I never noticed it until another driver told me two blocks down the road.
I once dropped a full load of lumber off the back of a truck onto a busy street
I once dropped a truckload of bed mattresses off the back of a truck onto a busy street
I never got fired from my university truck driving job.. Should have!
I absolutely love Northern Ontario in the winter time
I am a lousy dancer when others are present
I am a better dancer when I am alone
I love creative writing
I don't act my age
I love travelling on trains
My initial plans in life was to become a fighter pilot
I love to tease people
I have never been drunk
I have curley hair when it is longer
I am the vice-president of my highschool alumni association
I have lousy handwriting
Nobody is able to read my signature
I love to discover the undiscovered
I love drinking B52 coffees
I can take any appliance apart and reassemble it without any extra parts being left over.
I have never owned a power-saw
I once spent over 6 hours taking my van's dashboard apart only to later realize that I could have fixed the problem in 5 minutes had I known better.
I have taught in the same classroom for over 15 years
I once found $600 and lost it 5 minutes later
I procrastinate
Cooking in peanut oil makes me very sick
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
One Hundred Things About Me!
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Very interesting, That 100 must have taken hours to compile.
remind me to never let you drive my truck.
remind me never to follow behind your truck!
Very interesting. Surprised we haven't seen a posting on Star Trek. Happy 100 blogs.
You know we strated blogging about the same time but you are a full 20 posts ahead. Wow.
I can take any appliance apart and reassemble it without any extra parts being left over.
Ah, but can you reassemble them with parts left over and have the thing work anyway?
PS: If ever you come to Montreal, let me know so I can make sure not to drive while you're around...
LOL...loved this Dave!...and I am happy to report you are an exceedingly interesting, humorous and "normal" human being!
Now about the driving....
What does it mean to swim like a rock...badly?
Seems to me you're a nice, normal bloke...unless you deliberately left out the bit about the bodies in your freezer? ;)
Great list...very to-the-point. I like that.
Are you a Gemini, Dave?
100 is an awesome accomplishment! Keep 'em coming.
Hi Hammer!...Actually not... I compiled the list in a couple of sittings. I learned a lot about myself.
Hi Heiresschild!... I actually tie things down now! LOL
Hi LGS!... I am planning a number of Star Trek one very soon actually! Stay tuned!
Hi Jazz!... You always have a unique way of looking at things... As a matter of fact, I did have a major extra part left over once... Never knew where it went until there was water all over the floor! :-)
Janice... Normal... I'm NORMAL?? Boy! Do I have you fooled! LOL :-)
Hi Wendz!... Yes, I swim straight down to the bottom real well!... Not enough fat to keep me afloat!
Hi Trish!... Thanks for the compliment!
Hi Valerie!... Nope, not a Gemini ... Thanks for the compliment Valerie! :-)
happy blogaversary, dave!
i like the tidbits about you.
cat hater? tough luck...
Neat list :)
Its an eye opener to make a list that long. Hope you had fun writing it.
And good job so far on your blog :)
What a fun entry to celebrate your 100th! Not acting your age could only mean that people your age are boring & act too old!
I hate washing dishes too, even with a dishwasher. I only do it when we run out of whatever (usually bowls & spoons first) or when there is a bad smell. lol Usually a couple times a week though so it can't be that bad.
what a great way to learn about you or to learn about yourself
I love the sit by the campfire part!!!!
My next posting will be my 100th. I fell asleep last night thinking about doing a list of 100. Imagine my surprise when I came here and saw what you have done. I didn't read any of your 100; I don't want to be influenced ya know? Check with me later to see if I got it done :-)
Top stuff, and some really, really good bits in.
We Brits never use "really" twice in a row, so it is, very funny and personal. Thanks.
It makes you think about life if you have to make a list of your pros and cons.
I'm considering using this on my kids.
Don't get me started on negligent drivers (those that allow things to fall out their back end)!
And I'm going to forgive your predjudices against cats, it's your loss any rate. They're not all prissy little paw-lickers you know.
I could totally geek talk you up one side and down the other about Star Trek, are we smitten?
Looking forward to future posts!
flak over my cat hating tendancies! :-)
Hi Darling24!...I did have fun writing it... Too much in fact! LOL
Hi Becky!...Yah I know... most people my age are way too stuffy for my liking! LOL I must admit that I learned quite a bit about myself.
Hi CityFarmer!... Campfires have always been great memories except for the one where I melted my winter boots plus another one I will be posting about sometime down the road.
Hi Cheryl!... I am looking forward to seeing your top 100!
Hi Montidogeo!...It's really really good to hear from ya! LOL Thinking about life is quite an introspective process! :-)
Hi Proxima!... I am a much better driver now. All that truck stuff was 25 or more years ago.... Regarding STar Trek... yah, were smitten! LOL
You were a very busy boy at the back of that truck, weren't you? I think you should have added No. 101 to your list - you have a streak of mischief... :-)
Good list!
Hi Josie!... I had a few other similar misfortunes on the back of that truck but I only needed 100 things about me and not 125 things about me!
"Streak of mischief?!?!?"... Who.... ME????? :-)
I love the sit by the campfire part!!!!
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