I just want to thank all of you for your requested comments regarding the Canadian Government's ad from 1900. I learned a lot from reading each and every one of them. I would encourage each and every one of you who read the blog to check out what my blogger friends had to say. We can all learn from each other and become wiser for it! I know I have!

Back in 1900, the Canadian government tried to encourage men to go out west (from the Atlantic coast to about the middle of Canada) to build the railway and cultivate the soil. The only problem was that, as a result, there were not enough women for the men. Well, the Canadian Government decided to advertise that fact. Above, is an example of the tactics that the government tried to get the women to follow.
I am going to leave it at that but what I would like is to find out what you think about the government’s tactics over one hundred years ago.
So…What do you think?
I am going to leave it at that but what I would like is to find out what you think about the government’s tactics over one hundred years ago.
So…What do you think?
Man, life was different back then, I'll tell you that.
I'm trying to imagine the person who would respond to that ad ...
I think for the times it was probably a godsend for some women. Hell, even today it would be a godsend.
The ad makes me laugh, especially the 'anything in skirts stands a chance' and 'some of you will never get another'. This would be highly offensive & wrong in THIS day and age & yet many women did respond to this.
I think they were women of adventure and women of bravery, women bored with eastern society and of course, the good polished girl who secretly wants a bad boy. You go girl! ;)
The ad wasn't asking for them to sell themselves...just to come & be a wife to some hard working bloke.
My how things change!
Very funny. Wherever did you dig this up? I agree with Becky though that in its time contaxt, the girls that answered were probably very brave. At any rate, you have given me a wonderful idea for a post on the dating habits of the Singapore government. Thanks for the chuckle and the inspiration.
Too bad I'm a hundred years late :)
Hhmmm. As a strong opinionated woman, I will have to decline comment to this particular post.
On the other hand, I do love reading old bits of information like that.
The value of women doesn't seem to have changed much...back then it was advertised outright. Now it advertised in subtle ways: buy a certain car, use a certain shampoo etc and you will improve your chances to be in the company of a woman-not just any woman- but like the always beautiful ones shown in the ad.
Becky is right in thinking these were woman of courage and adventure willing to overlook the slight of being advertised as a commodity. I can't help wondering though how long men would have tolerated this kind of treatment throughout the years.
Certainly food for thought. I know of a couple of "mail order brides" close to where I live that have actually worked out quite well...with kids an' all. One never knows how things will turn out. It would be interesting to know the success of this particular ad...who isn't curious to a little adventure, huh Dave?
Sometimes I think that a marriage based on arrangements is probably more likely to last than a romantic union....you have terms and conditions, you know where you stand and you don't expect the other person to change just because you love them. It's all very reasonable. But who wants to live without love!
I don't know - it was probably a good idea back then!
TO ALL WHO COMMENTED ON TODAY'S BLOG... Thanks for your responses. I posted an additional section on todays blog. I invite you to read it. Thanks, I learned a lot by what you said. :-)
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